Mullingar Town Band
Mullingar Town Band is a midlands based marching and concert band.
The band performs many times throughout the year both locally and nationally at events such as St. Patrick’s Day, County GAA Finals, Christmas concerts and carolling events as well as marching and concert band competitions throughout the year.
The band prides itself in its dual role of both concert and marching band with colourguard.
The band runs its own beginners instrumental music programme.
The Mullingar Town Band was founded in 1879 but can trace it’s roots as far back as the 1840s. The local military barracks supplied many of the early members who themselves were serving members of the British Regimental bands stationed in Mullingar. Many of the members of these bands settled in the town and married locally and joined the band.
The M.C.B. (Mullingar Confraternity Band) remained under the auspices of the Confraternity until the 1940’s when it was handed over to a committee who continued under the title of Mullingar Brass and Reed Band. It was 1957 when band director emeritus, Hubert Magee was handed the baton with just three to four members remaining in the band. From here, Hubert studied and researched banding both nationally and internationally and basing his teaching on the American Band model he eventually turned the band around to achieving a band of over 100 members strong in 1979 – just in time for the bands centenary celebrations.
Under the directorship of Hubert, the band achieved many ‘firsts’ I their history – introducing female membership, the first time travelling abroad, first time winning major national competitions. In 2014, after 57 years of Directorship, Hubert handed over the baton to his daughter, Kim Magee – Band Director and Hubert was bestowed the title of Band Director Emeritus by the committee of Mullingar Town Band.
In Autumn every year, the band enrol new members from the age of six years old for the Band and twelve years old for Colourguard.
No music or dance experience is necessary.
Enrolment is also open to those who have previous music or dance experience.
Instrumental Music Lessons
The Junior Band Music Programme is a band focused, beginners music programme and acts as a feeder school for MTB senior band.
In Autumn 2021, the Junior Band Music Programme was re-launched with the addition of bucket drumming and flags to weekly classes.
These beginner classes cater for ages 6+ and members learn the basics of music through fun and colour while learning;
- Recorder
- Brass / Woodwind
- Bucket Drumming
- Flags
- Marching
- Grade Examinations
Classes are Term-time and take place on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
On joining, members receive a pack with all equipment needed for their Junior Band membership.
For more information on fees and programme details, please contact / 0861999497 or click the button below.
After being a member of the marching band for a time, members are then invited to join the Senior Concert Band.
Check out our Junior Band Music Programme page for more information and how to register.

The Colourguard performs choreographed dance routines with equipment – usually a flag – to the music the marching band plays. As the name suggests, they add the colour and movement which brings the marching band performance to life. Beginner Colourguards start by learning basic dance moves, marching skills and basic flag movements.

Marching Band
The Marching Band is the core group of the Mullingar Town Band. The marching band perform on St. Patrick’s Day in and around the Midlands, often marching in five parades daily. The marching band has played at events such as the Festival of Fires (Uisneach) and Electric Picnic. This group performs in parades and recitals at outdoor events. The marching band compete each year in the IMBA/DCE showband competitions which incorporate designing and performing a choreographed marching field show. In 2017, the Mullingar Town Band – known as the Celtic Crusaders on the competition field – won the All-Ireland competition for the first time.

Concert Band
This is a new part of the band which was launched on 10th November 2021. This is a group of adult instrumentalists of mixed musical ability (advanced beginners +) who meet twice a month on Wednesday nights to rehearse.
A great way to mix and make some new friends with similar interests. The group practice a variety of concert band music from different genres and perform from three times a year as well as teaming up with the marching band for more regular engagements.
More about our concert band →